ListBox not updating


Joseph Byrns

I have a listbox that is bound to a DataTable as follows:

Me.JobListBox.DisplayMember = "DisplayMember"
Me.JobListBox.ValueMember = "GUID"
Me.JobListBox.DataSource = dTable

Simple enough, when I add a row to dTable the list box updates and displays
the row, when I remove a row from dTable, the row is likewise removed from
the listbox, all as expected so far. However, when I alter the
DisplayMember column of a row in the datatable the listbox is NOT updated
with the new DisplayMember.

Dim r As DataRow = dTable.Rows(0)
r("DisplayMember") = "New Display Member"
r.EndEdit() ''tried it without this, but I get the same result.

Anyone have any ideas?

Joseph Byrns

Yes, a JobListBox.Refresh and a JobListBox.Update, but still no luck.

Any other ideas?

Ilya Tumanov [MS]

All list controls on NETCF V1 ignore ItemChanged event produced by data
binding engine.

You can create a custom control which would process this event.

To do so you should inherit from ListBox and override this:

protected virtual void SetItemCore(int index, object value)

As a workaround you can rebind or delete and add row.

That has been fixed on NETCF V2.

Best regards,


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Joseph Byrns


I'll look into that on monday.

Ilya Tumanov said:
All list controls on NETCF V1 ignore ItemChanged event produced by data
binding engine.

You can create a custom control which would process this event.

To do so you should inherit from ListBox and override this:

protected virtual void SetItemCore(int index, object value)

As a workaround you can rebind or delete and add row.

That has been fixed on NETCF V2.

Best regards,


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