Linking to a filtered (hidden) cells



I have a list of numbers that is subtotaled using 109 as the function number.
A1,A2,A3,A4....on worksheet WK1
Each one of these cells has a number in it.

Each one of these cells is linked to another cell within a worksheet called
cell A20 =WK1!A1
cell B20 =WK1!A2
cell C20 =WK1!A3
cell D20 =WK1!A4

When I filter the list of numbers on worksheet WK1 , the result of the
filter is...
(I filtered out row # 3 )..


Now this is where I am finding my problem.
The contents of cell C20 in worksheet WK2 does not appear, even though it is
linked to A3 in worksheet WK1.
When I filter "show all", then the contents of WK2!C20 magically appears.

Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong ?


Where is your subtotal function being used? If the target cell/range is
hidden, your subtotal function will return 0 - which will flow through to any
cells linked to it.


I think I (or should I say, you) fixed the problem.
I started looking at all of the formulas in all of the cells affected.
I mistakenly had a subtotal where I should have had a SUM formula.
The result of the subtotal was zero when I had filtered, so that's why it
didn't show up anywhere, including the linked cell.
Looks like I'm off to the races....
Thanks again.

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