Link to Google Maps?


Jeff Borden

Is there a way to set up a button to show a specific address on

I have a whole bunch of locations in a database, with the addresses broken
down in multiple fields. I'd like to have a button on the form for editing
the addresses to quickly pull up a Google map...

My data looks something like this:

Street Number: 1234
Street Name: Main St.
City: Vancouver
Province: BC

Daniel Pineault

Ye, it can be done. If you use google maps you'll notice that once you query
the system it create a very straight forward url based on the address
specified. thus it is just a question of doing the same and sending it to a
browser. Anyways, here are a few posts on the subject
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
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Jeff Borden

Thanks for the info Daniel.

Before I got your reply, I found some info on the Follow method, then got
this to work rather nicely for my needs:

Private Sub MapIt_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_MapIt_Click
Dim strInput As String
Dim ctl As CommandButton

On Error GoTo Err_MapIt_Click

Set ctl = Me!MapIt
With ctl
.HyperlinkAddress =
"" & _
[Forms]![frm_Properties]![Street Number] & "+" & _
[Forms]![frm_Properties]![Street Name] & ",+" & _
[Forms]![frm_Properties]![City] & ",+bc"
End With

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_MapIt_Click

End Sub

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