Link cells with text not numbers



I'm working with a worksheet of cells with general information (text) that I
linked to various cells on worksheets within a workbook. I created the
formula below and it works but I'm not sure it is the most accurate way to
write the formula.

=IF('General Info'!C2>0,'General Info'!C2,"")

All linked cells contain text, not numbers, so I'm questioning the >0. Any
better alternatives?

Gord Dibben

Although Excel sees a blank cell as zero and you will probably get away with
your method, I think you would be safer with.

=IF('General Info'!C2<>"",'General Info'!C2,"")

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


What your formula is doing in layman terms is... If the contents of 'General
Info'!C2 has a text string or a number in it that is greater than zero, then
put this value, otherwise if it blank, zero, a negative number, etc. then put
null / nothing. Is this what you wanted it to do ? Maybe I need more detail
to understand your query.

You may need to look at functions like ISBLANK(), ISTEXT(), ISNONTEXT(),
ISNUMBER(), T(), etc.

Hope this helps !



Thank you for responding. Yes, it is giving me what I want but I wanted to
know if there is a more accurate way to work with text. I'll take your
advice to learn more about the functions you suggest. I want to learn more
about improving my knowledge and using functions as efficiently as possible.
Again, thank you.


I forgot to mention in my previous response that you made it more clear to me
why the zero works in the if statement. That was the main purpose of my

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