Limit the number of open sessions


Barry Mezei

When I export to Excel from certain programs, they
automatically oen a new session of Excel and it's a pain
to move data between the 2 sessions. Is there a way to
prevent Excel from opening a new session (and have the
data import into the open session) if one is already open?

Dave Peterson

This might be worth trying:

Try Tools|Options|General|Ignore other applications (uncheck it)

And this sometimes helps when double clicking on a file opens a new excel

Close Excel and
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /unregserver
Windows Start Button|Run
excel /regserver

The /unregserver & /regserver stuff resets the windows registry to excel's
factory defaults.

But I'd bet it really depends on how those other programs look for excel. If
they just start a new instance, then, well, you know.

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