License for Home Use


Bill Yanaire

Alias said:
We think that you should check out Ubuntu at It's free and
can installed on as many computers as you like. It comes with Open Office.
So, if you want to save $2000 dollars ...

WE don't think anybody should use Ubuntu - YOU think everybody should use
Ubuntu. I think only nerdy Geeks should use Ubuntu and people who like to
tinker should use Ubuntu. Everyone else should find another solution.

Just FYI


Bill said:
WE don't think anybody should use Ubuntu - YOU think everybody should use

So, according to your "logic", I am the only person in the world who
uses Ubuntu?
I think only nerdy Geeks should use Ubuntu and people who like to
tinker should use Ubuntu.

Translation: Bill is too stupid to learn how to use Ubuntu.
Everyone else should find another solution.

Just FYI

WE thank you for your ill informed opinion and WE hope that you come to
your senses and try to open your mind and learn something for a change.
WE, however, are not holding our collective breaths.


Bill Yanaire

Alias said:
So, according to your "logic", I am the only person in the world who uses

Translation: Bill is too stupid to learn how to use Ubuntu.

Not stupid. Can learn Ubuntu but why? It's primitive and offers nothing to
most people. As I keep saying, Ubuntu is just a geeky toy
WE thank you for your ill informed opinion and WE hope that you come to
your senses and try to open your mind and learn something for a change.
WE, however, are not holding our collective breaths.


Wrong again. You have the ill informed opinion. The numbers prove it. I
have an open mind and do learn other things, but when those things are
useless I don't waste my time. From the numbers, most other people agree.
Ubuntu FREE: Market captured: Hardly anything. Windows: Cost Money:
Market Captured: Over 80%.

I guess that doesn't mean anything to a closed minded person like yourself.
Get with it man, you are preaching to the wind.



Alias said:
So, according to your "logic", I am the only person in the world who uses

You are having trouble reading by the looks of it.
Nowhere does his logic indicate only you uses ubuntu.
Its not that hard to follow the logic.


Wrong again. You have the ill informed opinion. The numbers prove it. I
have an open mind and do learn other things, but when those things are
useless I don't waste my time. From the numbers, most other people agree.
Ubuntu FREE: Market captured: Hardly anything. Windows: Cost Money:
Market Captured: Over 80%.

Market captured over 80%...... does that have
anything to do with MS's unethical/illegal
business practices?

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