Hardware changes and mandatory activation for retail users



I've reviewed the ms site which dictates the terms and conditions under which
vista requires activation or reactivation. For us retail users we are
allowed 5 internet activations after which we must phone in. The reason I
purchased retail ultimate in the first place was for the convenience of
moving my os around as much as I pleased since I do make frequent hardware
changes to my pc. I'm somewhat miffed that ms would make us retail
purchasers phone home after 5 activations. MS should change this policy
towards retail users so that they can always activiate over the internet when
need be. I am most unhappy with this, if I knew I had to phone in I could've
spent half as much on the oem version and phoned away knowing I saved some

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Begining of Rant (BOR)

Well at least you do not have one of those vaporware licences. I believe,
but an not sure, if you find yourself calling MS with one of these licenses
because of things like hdwe failure/replacement you COULD end up paying
another activation fee.
Personally I want to know if I can have my Vaporware Media Pro Vista
refunded. I can not use it, I need XP. Which I have. Vista is not compatible
with my software and to be very honest .... I do not like a vaporware
licence nor a handicapped OS. A Full non-vaporware verision for $400.00 with
all sorts of funky licence clauses sounds like a deal. $500-600 for a copy
of Office2007 and $1000-2000 for an ok laptop . WOW!!! for about $2000 I
could write a letter and demand my money back and if I got it .... well
..... WOW!!!
End of Rant (EOR)

Rick Rogers


A limit (not sure that it's five, but let's say it is) is there to prevent
users from installing it on multiple machines, at least in theory. Not sure
if it works in practice, but I doubt at this point that the policy will

An OEM version cannot always be migrated to new hardware, some changes are
not allowed. As you frequently change hardware, you are best off with the
retail version you chose, as it can always be migrated.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org


5 ?? really ? I had to phone in the first time I reinstalled the op system
to activate it

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