LanManWorkstation Service Very Slow to Start



Hello! I am having some problems with the LanManWorkstation ("Workstation")
service in XP Pro SP2. I upgraded some device drivers (my chipset, VIA, and
audio, Realtek), and after this point, I've been having troubles with slow
boot times. I use Avast virusscan, and it takes a very long time to start
working (go from "no" symbol to active) and any control panel windows or the
volume panel do not start until the Workstation service has started.
Unfortunately, the workstation service is taking an excruciatingly long time
to start, both the first time and after windows has started if I restart it
manually. I have tried everything I know, from system restores to doing a
repair install of Windows. The repair install worked once, but after the next
reboot, the problem came back.

I've checked for spyware, registry problems, googled to death, checked the
KB, and am plain out of ideas.

My question is, do you have any suggestions? Is there a way to see what is
taking the Svchost.exe program so long to start the service? The progress bar
gets about halfway across when I start the service manually, but then halts
for a while and creeps forward slowly until reaching the end, where the
service finally starts.

Please help! I do not want to have to do yet another reformat and reinstall,
and the fact that I can't fix this is really bugging me. Feel free to email
me at matt0611 at direcway dot com with any suggestions/questions. I can
elaborate on anything, if you need me to.

Matt Brannock
matt0611 at direcway dot com.

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