Language resource for component


Sonnich Jensen

Hi all

I have a component, for which there is a Language property - it is a
chart, which holds certain labels for different charts. I have made
this component myself.

For forms etc one can activate Localization, add a language, and the
resource file is created automatically.
But how do I attach or create such a file for my MyChartComponent.cs,
which does not hold any components, it is not a form etc.

On the file I cannot add a resource - so how do I overcome this?


Here is a part of the example I found:

private void ChangeLanguage(string lang)
ComponentResourceManager resources = new
ComponentResourceManager(typeof(Form1)); // class name
//iterate through all the controls and their sub-controls
and replace their strings:
foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
//we only replace the Name property
resources.ApplyResources(c, c.Name, new
foreach (Control d in c.Controls)
resources.ApplyResources(d, d.Name, new
//fetch a custom string from the resource file:
label2.Text = resources.GetString("string1", new

which works for forms.

Sonnich Jensen

I have a component, for which there is a Language property - it is a
chart, which holds certain labels for different charts. I have made
this component myself.
For forms etc one can activate Localization, add a language, and the
resource file is created automatically.
But how do I attach or create such a file for my MyChartComponent.cs,
which does not hold any components, it is not a form etc. [...]

You would have to ask the publisher of the chart object you're using.
There's no charting control in .NET per se, so obviously you're using
some third-party library.

Nope, my own creation

In general, I think you will find that you have to store your own
localized strings (which the VS Resource Designer does support), and
then update the strings at run-time accordingly (i.e. have some code to
initialize the strings for a given control, where that code always draws
the string values from a localized resource).  A Form enjoys special
support from the VS IDE that is not practical to offer for
non-Form-based objects.

That is possible, but how do I create the file (unless I alter the
csproj file manually)?
(Note that if your third-party chart control is in fact derived from
System.Windows.Forms.Control, then it ought to "play nice" with the
existing Forms Designer localization support).

That is the one
Not knowing the third-party chart control you're using, of course I have
no idea what role the "Language" property might play.  It's possible
they do have some localization support built in and you would not have
to explicitly initialize strings from a localized resource.

But you'd have to read the documentation for that control, or ask the


Basically, create a Control based component

add a language property or something

make it draw say text1 and text2 (on paint)

now, on the language you can read the resource for the language
then update the text


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