VS2005 C# Resource woes continued.



My app is now successfully accessing the default Resources.resx.
I have made a Resources.fr-FR.resx
yet ..
#if (French)

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR",
false);//Definitely being executed

Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("fr-FR", false);


this.Text = Resources.String1;

Is giving the String1 out of the default Resources file.

In a fit of desperation I translated the project into VB and this 'logic'
works fine.

Any suggestions as to why this doesn't work in C#?

My Initial feeling is that it is because the default resources are sitting
under properties.

ie. The full access path is Projectname.properties.Resources ( I have a
'using Projectname.properties' statement in the class header)

The added Resource file Resources.fr-FR is sitting under the project
directly seeing thats where the IDE places them

So it seems to me that the project probably can't see Resources.fr-FR so it
falls back to the default.

If this is case how can you get exta language resource files to be easily

If this is not the problem then any clues as to what is the problem would be

(Form localizable property is true) language set to Default and
French(France) have both been tried.



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