Kaspersky AVP- request for update file download link ...


Su Haimi

Hi! Can someone please tell me where I can download the
latest update files ( "cumul.zip", "weekly.zip" and "daily.zip" )
for Kaspersky AVP from.
A link to their (English language) website would be very

David H. Lipman

From: "Su Haimi" <[email protected]>

| Hi! Can someone please tell me where I can download the
| latest update files ( "cumul.zip", "weekly.zip" and "daily.zip" )
| for Kaspersky AVP from.
| A link to their (English language) website would be very
| appreciated.
| Thanks!

Here is a way you can update the Kasperky AV (or any Kaspersky based engine scanner)

Download WGET.EXE from http://users.ugent.be/~bpuype/wget/#download

Save the files to %windir%

Create a batch file from the below and save the file such as; update.BAT in the Kaspersky
folder where you find *.avc files.

@echo off
echo -----------------------------------------------
echo Updating using updates2 ftp site
echo -----------------------------------------------
wget -N ftp://updates2.kaspersky-labs.com/updates_x/*.avc
wget -N ftp://updates2.kaspersky-labs.com/updates_x/avp.*

You can also schedule automatic updates by creating a job in the Scheduled Tasks applet in
Control Panel and run the UPDATE.BAT batch file.

Start --> Settings --> Control Panel --> Scheduled Tasks

If you are on WinXP or Win2K you will have to supply an Administrative Account and Password
for the task to run.

{ The idea of the above batch file comes from alt.comp.virus contributer Art Kopp }

NOTE: Kaspersky updates the signatures on the FTP site multiple times per day.

Otherwise you can find the ZIP files you want at...


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