JPG images are distorting



Hi - I am having a problem with PowerPoint (XP, PPT 2002).

I have a JPG image. When I have an object, such as a rectangular box, and I
fill it with the JPG image, the JPG fill gets distorted. I am using the
TEXTURE option, and the JPG should tile and not distort, but the JPG is
actually increasing in size.

Strangly enough, the JPG is the same size as the rectangle, so when the
rectangle gets filled, the JPG is distorting so that the image is larger and
the picture is cut off.

Is there something wrong with a setting on my computer?

Thanks in advance.


When you say that they are the same size (image and rectangle), how are you
determining that? What is the size of the JPG? If the picture/image is cut
off, then it probably isn't distorted. It probably is larger than the

If you would like to send the image to me, I can test it here. My email address
is sonia @ soniacoleman . com.

Sonia Coleman
Microsoft PowerPoint MVP Team
Autorun Software, Templates and Tutorials

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