jpeg's saved as jpe


Bob Jones

If I try to save any jpeg photos/graphics off the internet
using xp/ie 6 the file is saved as a jpe file. Is there a
reason for this? fix?

John Inzer

Bob Jones said:
If I try to save any jpeg photos/graphics off the internet
using xp/ie 6 the file is saved as a jpe file. Is there a
reason for this? fix?
You may need to do some editing in your registry...
carefully read the following article first before proceeding:

Information About Editing the Registry;EN-US;256986#Topic2

".jpg extension may be incorrect in registry"

Go to...Start / Run...

Type in "regedit" (without the quotes)...OK.

In your registry editor...drill down to:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/jpeg

What is entered at "Extension"? (should be: .jpg)
(don't change anything...just observe)

Also you might check:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/pjpeg

What is entered at "Extension"? (should be: .jpg)

If the *Extensions* are incorrect, changing them to .jpg
should solve your problem.

To make the change...

Left click "Extension" to select it.

With "Extension" selected...go to...Edit / Modify...

Replace the text in the "Value data" field with
".jpg" (without the quotes)...OK.

Close the registry editor....File / Exit.

John Inzer

I'm sorry, Ives...but I have no idea why it happens, and
do not have any way of communicating with Microsoft.

David Shiflet signs his messages [MS]...maybe he's
employed by MS and could contact someone. And,
you may have some success if you discuss it with
your Lead MVP.

Actually, a simple registry edit does not seem like
a big problem to me but I guess it can be intimidating
for someone who never tried it before. You know...
many of the MSKB articles include registry editing info.

Paul Ballou

JPE is an extension that is used by Adobe Photoshop in the list of
extensions for the JPEG format.

Paul Ballou
MVP Design Gallery Live

John Inzer said:
I'm sorry, Ives...but I have no idea why it happens, and
do not have any way of communicating with Microsoft.

David Shiflet signs his messages [MS]...maybe he's
employed by MS and could contact someone. And,
you may have some success if you discuss it with
your Lead MVP.

Actually, a simple registry edit does not seem like
a big problem to me but I guess it can be intimidating
for someone who never tried it before. You know...
many of the MSKB articles include registry editing info.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Yves Alarie said:
John, I know your solution is correct.
What I want to know is why does this happens.
Why is jpg changed to jpe?
We need to get this to Microsoft. You have been answering this question too
often. It is not fair to ask XP user to edit the registry. Microsoft must
address this issue and offer a fix. No registry editing solution should be
presented here after the same problem is coming up again and again. I am
dead set against asking somebody to edit the registry. Can you get this
problem up to Microsoft?

Yves Alarie

I will pass this on, as well as a few more things we are constantly
answering. I think it is time for Microsoft to update the FAQ page. Was told
that it will be updated to include the famous (infamous!) "I lost my camera
wizard". We shall see. Thanks.
John Inzer said:
I'm sorry, Ives...but I have no idea why it happens, and
do not have any way of communicating with Microsoft.

David Shiflet signs his messages [MS]...maybe he's
employed by MS and could contact someone. And,
you may have some success if you discuss it with
your Lead MVP.

Actually, a simple registry edit does not seem like
a big problem to me but I guess it can be intimidating
for someone who never tried it before. You know...
many of the MSKB articles include registry editing info.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Yves Alarie said:
John, I know your solution is correct.
What I want to know is why does this happens.
Why is jpg changed to jpe?
We need to get this to Microsoft. You have been answering this question too
often. It is not fair to ask XP user to edit the registry. Microsoft must
address this issue and offer a fix. No registry editing solution should be
presented here after the same problem is coming up again and again. I am
dead set against asking somebody to edit the registry. Can you get this
problem up to Microsoft?

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