Jim Buyens Don't Do #10?


Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

you can get a professional looking menu using FrontPage nav bars by either
making your own graphics for them and customizing the theme or you can use
the plain text alternative and make them up heavily with .css.

to your second question; yes, interactive buttons can be made individually
and used as an alternative (with a lot more control).
probably the easiest way to go with those would be to put just your
interactive buttons on a page all by themselves, then put them into the
pages where you want them by using the FrontPage include.


Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.


So are Interactive Buttons designed individually placed on pages the
alternative to this?

I would say so - or even CSS styled lists with text. But then I'm a
professional amateur, so....

Chris Leeds, MVP-FrontPage

thanks for the heads-up Ron.

Chris Leeds,
Microsoft MVP-FrontPage

ContentSeed: great tool for web masters,
a fantastic convenience for site owners.

Jim Cheshire \(JIMCO\)

Susan said:

The Navigational View made it easy to apply link bars from Themes
based on the structure. But this tip #10 makes it sound like the
amateurs use Navigational View and the pros can tell the difference.
So are Interactive Buttons designed individually placed on pages the
alternative to this?

I think what Jim is trying to say (and I don't want to put words in his
mouth) is that you often can tell easily when a site is using Link Bars from
FrontPage that are based on Navigation view. This is a specific
implementation that will often create a navigation architecture that is less
than ideal.

For example, if I go to a site and click on a menu item and then have to
click a Back button or a Home button in order to get to another menu item
that's at the same level as the first, I can tell that I MAY have visited a
site that uses automatically generated menus based on Navigation View. It's
quite easy to create the same bad design by hand! :)

I generally recommend caution when following any advice to "never use X
feature." While there are some features that you'd probably be better off
finding alternatives to (like Hover Buttons), there are many others (such as
Themes) that can be used quite effectively!

Jim Cheshire

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