I've switched to cable. Why won't my e-mails send from outlook?



I have switched from dial-up broadband to a cable internet provider (Virgin
Media), and now me e-mails will not sed from outlook, although I recieve them
OK. I think Outlook is still trying to send via my old ISP (Tiscali) but I
don't know what to do to change this. Any ideas?

Peter Foldes

Contact Virgin Media and ask them for their SMTP set up and enter it accordingly

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Contact Virgin to get their server information. Delete the Tiscali
information, create a new profile using Virgin.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|I have switched from dial-up broadband to a cable internet provider (Virgin
| Media), and now me e-mails will not sed from outlook, although I recieve
| OK. I think Outlook is still trying to send via my old ISP (Tiscali) but
| don't know what to do to change this. Any ideas?


EllieW said:
I have switched from dial-up broadband

There is no such service.
to a cable internet provider (Virgin
Media), and now me e-mails will not sed from outlook, although I
recieve them

Well, you changed to a different ISP (or to a different account with
the same one). You will need to use the POP3 and SMTP servers for
your new ISP, or for whomever is your e-mail provider.
I think Outlook is still trying to send via my old ISP (Tiscali) but
don't know what to do to change this. Any ideas?

You've never created, defined, or modified accounts in Outlook? Hit
F1 and search on "change e-mail account".

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

|| I have switched from dial-up broadband
| There is no such service.

It is called DSL and is considered broadband.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, Vanguard asked:

| || I have switched from dial-up broadband
| There is no such service.


in message
|| I have switched from dial-up broadband
| There is no such service.

It is called DSL and is considered broadband.

(Only required because above poster used QUOTED-PRINTABLE format.)
Do not use quoted-printable format.
* Not all NNTP clients handle quoted-printable format.
* Quoting gets mangled, especially for replies.
* No clear delineation between content for poster and respondent.

DSL is not dial-up. It is an always-on connection. Yes, you do have
to establish a session but you don't need to do handshaking with a
modem to establish the network connection as with dial-up service.


You're saying there are DSL providers who supply a broadband session
over a telephone line but require the user to first dial some
telephone number before access to that DSL bandwidth is permitted?

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