Issues with Inspector custom command button


Mike Lindeboom

I have implemented an Outlook add-in that maintains a collection of
Inspectors (one for each open MailItem). Each inspector has a custom
command button. The tag name for each button differs by the index
number of the inspector (as it is seen in the collection of

PROBLEM: When any custom button is hit, the click event is sent to the
custom button for every open inspector.

What have I missed? Is there an easy resolution to this problem?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

If the tags are genuinely unique then that should not be happening. Are you
sure of that?

I use that method all the time and never have had multiple click events fire
in multiple Inspector classes.

Show some of the code you're using. Maybe it provides a clue to the problem.
You are setting the OnAction property of the buttons to the ProgID for the
addin, with the needed characters prepended and appended?
..OnAction = "!<" & gstrProgID & ">"

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