Is there a formula to capture data between "Tabs" on a spreadsheet



I have a question?

Is there a formula that I can use which references a different "tab" on my

For example if on sheet 1 (which of named New Rules) I have dates in which
clients were admitted to our treatment program. Also on sheet one, I list
their diagnoses (e.g depression, anxiety, etc).

On sheet 2 (which I nammed QA Data) I want to list "stats only". For
example, cell A1 on the QA Data sheet may list the total number of clients in
2007, and another cell may list a break out of diagnoses. Again, the raw data
for this information (name of client, admission date, diagnosis) is on sheet
1 (New Rules), but I want to use sheet 2 (QA Data) to tally the various stats
that I desire (a tab dedicated to stas).

I just didn't know if you can write Excel formula on one sheet askinig to
capture information from another sheet. The only thing I know how to do is to
"link data" between sheets, but I don't want to do that.

Thanks for any suggestions!



All the formulas in excel can reference a different worksheet or even a
different file. You don't have to learn how to correctly format those
formulas, as Excel will do it for you. Try this: on your SheetB, in a new
cell start to type in a formula such as:


then click on another sheet and select a range of cells on that sheet.
Excel will insert the sheet name for you in front of that range. Try it
again with a second file open and you will see the format that Excel uses to
reference another sheet in another file.

But you can't do it with a Tab . . . because that is a diet drink from the
early 70's. ;-)



Any excel formula that accepts a range argument should be able to reference
another worksheet.

=COUNTA('New Rules'!A:A) would count the number of entries in new rules
Column A.

=COUNTIF('New Rules'!B:B, "Depression") would count the number of cells
w/"depression" in column B of new rules worksheet.

Easiest to type =COUNTIF( then use your mouse to click on the sheet you
want and select the range (column B in this example). Excel will put in 'New
Rules'!B:B for you, then finish by typing the ", "Depression")" (sans the
extra quotes I just used). That way excel handles the single quote and
exclamation placement (which is probably what you are doing already to link
worksheets). Can also use that method to reference other workbooks in your


Thanks Andy and JMB!!!

That was very kewl! I'm impressed by the power of Excel. Now that I know if
can do this (develop formulas that can reference data information from a
different tab on my spreadsheet), I wonder if it can handle something a
little more complicated like an "array formula" (as much of my statistical
data works with arrays, as well as the "countif" and "counta" functions).

Two example array formulas I am using (whose numerical results I'd like to
be referenced on a different worksheet tab) are the following:


=SUM((YEAR(Z4:Z3500)=2007)*(AN4:AN3500={"Referred to Tx","AC
Initiated","Completed Tx-File Closed"}))


=SUM(--(TEXT(Z4:Z3500,"mmm yy")="Jan 07"))*(AN4:AN3500={"Referred to Tx","AC
Initiated","Completed Tx-File Closed"})




Roger, could you give me a little more info. I plugged in your formula but it
didn't seem to work. How would I use your formula examples to reference
between tabs? For example, I would be putting the data results from the "New
Rules Tab" onto my "QA Tab". The array formula examples you gave me, would be
used to do this, but I didn't know what to input to directly reference that I
was pulling the data from the "New Rules Tab" and placing it on the "QA Tab"
(in the same spreadsheet). I got the other formula from Andy and JMB to
work, but I couldn't make the array examples you provided. Any additional
clarity would be greatly appreciated.



Roger Govier

Hi Dan

Just insert the tab name in front of the data ranges
Because the tab name has spaces, it must be enclosed in single quotes,
and followed by the usual exclamation mark
'New Rules Tab'!

=SUMPRODUCT(('New Rules Tab'!YEAR(Z4:Z3500)=2007)*
(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC Initiated","Completed Tx-File
Closed"},'New Rules Tab'!AN4:AN3500))))

Roger Govier


=SUMPRODUCT((YEAR(Z4:Z3500)=2007)*(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC
Initiated","Completed Tx-File Closed"},AN4:AN3500))))

=SUMPRODUCT((TEXT(Z4:Z3500,mmm yy)="Jan 07")*(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred
to Tx","AC Initiated","Completed Tx-File Closed"},AN4:AN3500))))


Thanks Roger. I still seem to be having difficulty. Perhaps I was
understanding you wrong (or perhaps I haven't had my coffee yet, lol), but it
still isn't seeming to work. I am getting the infamous: #value! error. Any
additional clarity you could provide would be greatly appreciated. Below is
what I did:

Sample'!AN4:AN3500)*YEAR(Z4:Z3500)=2007)*ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC
Initiated","Completed Tx-File
Closed"},'New Rules Tab'!AN4:AN3500))



Roger Govier

Hi Dan

Why not just copy and paste the formula I gave you?
What you have entered has the wrong syntax.


Hey Roger!

I did do what you suggested as my initial try (smily cut and pasted your
example), however I got a formula error message. I did accidently give you
the wrong name for the tab however (very sorry about that), and the actual
name is "New Rules Sample" (versus New Rules Tab). I tried to fix that after
I cut and pasted your example, but alas not luck. Here is what I cut and

=SUMPRODUCT(('New Rules Sample'!YEAR(Z4:Z3500)=2007)*
(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC Initiated","Completed Tx-File
Closed"},'New Rules Sample'!AN4:AN3500))))

Using a regular countif( -or- counta( formula worked just fine when I did
it, but my spreadsheet didn't seem to like the above Array calculation. Excel
2002 is so tempremental (or possibly just user error on my part, lol).

Thanks Roger and Have a good Friday!


Roger Govier

Hi Dan

Sorry, I pasted one of the sheet references to the wrong place.
Obvioulsy Year has to sit outside of the data range
=SUMPRODUCT((YEAR('New rules Sample'!Z4:Z10)=2007)*
(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC Initiated","Completed Tx-File
Closed"},'New rules Sample'!AN4:AN10))))


I think Roger put the sheet name in the wrong place in his earlier
posting. Try this:

=SUMPRODUCT((YEAR('New Rules Sample'!
Z4:Z3500)=2007)*(ISNUMBER(FIND({"Referred to Tx","AC
Initiated","Completed Tx-File Closed"},'New Rules Sample'!

Hope this helps.



Hey Roger and Peter!

You are both great. I'm moving forward here. The formulas you offered (both
Roger's revision, and Pete's) did take in the appropriate tab (Old Rules
Sample) where my quality assurance data lives, however the numerical reading
was 0. I tested the formula (I test everything) for functionality, and set up
it up to offer a numerical value of 4 (four clients "Referred to Tx" in Row
AN, and within the 2007 date parameters of the formula per Row Z). I'm sorry
to be a pain. I'd be glad to send someone my spreadsheet, but I didn't want
to send extra work to anyone beyond this wonderful help you've been offering.
I'm off for an hour with a client, so I'll check back to see if Roger or Pete
have responded after my session.

Eternally Greatful,


Roger Govier

Hi Dan

It should have worked OK.
By all means send me the file and I will take a look.
Send to roger at

Do the obvious with "at" and remove NOSPAM

Roger Govier

Hi Dan

File arrived and response sent back by private email

For the benefit of the NG, the problem was testing "Referred to Tx"
against "Referred to TX"
FIND() is case sensitive.
Changing to using SEARCH instead resolves the problem.

=SUMPRODUCT((YEAR('New Rules Sample'!Z4:Z3500)=2007)*
(ISNUMBER(SEARCH({"Referred to Tx","AC Initiated","Completed Tx-File
Closed"},'New Rules Sample'!AN4:AN3500))))


Hi Roger!

Also sent you a response via private email. Very odd, that "Not Referred to
TX" is registering and counting when it is not included in the search
paramters. I would think that only "Referred to TX, AC Initiated", and
"Completed TX-File Closed" (when a date in Row Z is within 2007) would
register. Odd that "Not Referred to TX" is registering as well (especially
since that indicie is NOT included in the formula).



The phrase "Referred to Tx" is contained within the phrase "Not
Referred to TX", so it will be counted. You might want to look up
SEARCH and EXACT in XL help if you want to refine the count further.

Hope this helps.


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