Inverted images



Recently we upgraded to Powerpoint 2002. When we did,
many (not all) of the images in existing presentations
became inverted (perhaps corrupted?). This manifested
itself through the replacement of ordinary colors with
bright colors (for example green grass became pink or
blue). When I attempt to insert a photo from an external
file (JPEG) or copy from an existing presentation (where
the photograph looks fine) often times (but not always)
the image comes out all screwy.

This never happened with the previous version of
Powerpoint and the images look fine when I look at them in
other programs, so I'm stumped.

Kathryn Jacobs

This is a known thing. It has to do with how we all learned to rotate and
move things within PPT 2000 and earlier.

If you haven't yet saved over the original file, you can fix it with an
add-in that Shyam has made available. Check out:

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft PPT MVP
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