internet explorer stop working



I am running Windows Vista, while i am on the internet browsing, all of a
sudden I get this message “internet explorer is stop working" and the IE will
close and opens with my default page. I have 2 other machine they are running
Windows XP, I never had any problem on those machine, I think there is
something on Vista is doing this. Any one has any idea, really appreciate
your help.


You are not alone - happens sometimes here too - not sure why yet. My IE7
doesn't crash that often to be honest and the reports are sent back to MS to
I guess they will issue a patch (eventually). If it really bothers you
install an addition browser if you can - look here -

Opera and Firefox (my favourite) are good alternatives. Actually it's a good
idea to have a second browser installed anyway in case one gets totally
screwed and your stuck not even able to download (easily) a replacement
and/or fix... had that experience once...

Kerry Brown

When a program crashes Windows writes some information about the crash to
the event logs. In the Start Search box type eventvwr.msc and press the
Enter key. Allow the UAC prompt. On the left hand side expand Windows Logs.
Look in the Application and System logs for errors related to the program
crash. The errors are all time coded. Cause the crash to happen then look
for the errors. They should be near the top of the list. When you find an
error click on the details tab then copy and paste the details back here.


I am running Windows Vista, while i am on the internet browsing, all of a
sudden I get this message “internet explorer is stop working" and the IE
close and opens with my default page. I have 2 other machine they are
Windows XP, I never had any problem on those machine, I think there is
something on Vista is doing this. Any one has any idea, really appreciate
your help.

What happens if you run it with add ons disabled? Open IE, go to Tools |
Enable / Disable Addons. Disable all add ons and test.

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