Internet explorer - pictures a problem - how to troubleshoot ?


- Bobb -

Could others try this out ? Can you see the pictures OK ?
Occasionally when on a site, I'll choose to " diplay a picture" and I'll get another pop-up window- with the description of the
picture (from the site), but not SEE the picture - just an empty box with a red X in the upper left corner.
Here's a typical problem:
and click on any of the links to see a picture.
I get everything BUT the picture.

I'm using XP SP2 and latest IE 6 - before/after updates , it's still a problem. Is it a JAVA issue ? XP Security issue ? Ie
Security Issue ? I've reset everything in IE to default - tried IE security level to LOW. Turned OFF Zone-Alarm. On this PC, I
haven't downloaded Sun java - just whatever came with XP / online updates. I can't tell if a java issue, an IE problem, maybe the
picture is in some file format that I don't understand ( since I can't right-click and 'Save As' to see a filename etc.)

I do NOT get an error message in IE status bar - nothing in Event log.
This isn't the only site - this happens every so often and today I have the time to investigate / ask for help.
Can others see the pictures OK ?

Thanks for any input.


Using XP SP2 with all the updates and the site works for me (pretty cool
site, BTW). The pictures show in a "popup" window and are java based. I
may be way off base here, but, check your java settings and any security
settings re: popups, especially if you are using any aftermarket popup
blockers. Info in the following search may be of help: If you have
questions about particular settings, I would be obliged to 'stare and
compare' with mine.
Heirloom, old and keep us posted

- Bobb -

Great, Thank You.

I went to - installed the latest updates and it's working fine now.
NOW I can see that it's not just a PHOTO - it's a movie.
Previously I didn't know what was not working.

- Bobb -

I downloaded /installed Ms VM java (3805 and 3810 update) and Sun Java and rebooted.
Some of my earlier links now show Ok, but here's another URL where I have an issue:

I see another box with a red X - just above the " LISTEN LIVE " box
Just shows "Recovery Road' Ok for you ?
If I click on it, it does bring me to another page - but , why do I not see the photo ?
Again, I've got security all the way down and firewall off.

Thanks again,


Mine shows the "WRKO am680, Boston's Talk Radio" right above the "Listen
Live" box. My security is up and firewall on. I have not dl'd the Sun Java
package, using the native java that came with Windows XP SP2. Once again, I
would refer you to the search page as in the previous post......surely,
there is something there that addresses your issue. BTW, I didn't even
accept the cookies from the WRKO site and it still worked. Re: the search,
you could try doing it in Google Groups, as well. Lots of good info there.
Heirloom, old and hate red x's

- Bobb -

I found the problem - apparently some of the pictures were being blocked.
In IE I played with security and privacy and added that site as an exception and now Ok.
Not that I needed to see the pictures ( of the host) just glad that I know now the problem and not a failure at my end.

Thanks for the help



Not much help from my end, YOU are the one that did good! Glad you got it
worked out. Remember Google and Google Groups, they are great for problem
Heirloom, old and gonna win the Lotto

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