Internet Explorer does not resume downloads.


Steven Fleming

Hi when downloading files in internet explorer if i got
disconected from the server all i had to do was click the
link for the download again and it would start from where
it left off. Now it does not which is frustating because i
still only have a 56k modem. For example i was downloading
a file 23.5mb long yesterday and got disconected after i
had recieved 23.3mb of the file. I click the link to
download now and it starts from the begining another 2
hours and i might even get disconected again with 10
minuites to go please help i have tried everything i can
think off.


Hi that happened to me so I got a download manager which alows you to resume
downloads and it will also auto dailup if the connetion is broken and
continue the dl. I dloaded a 150 meg file the other night and my ISP
automaticaly cuts off after 2 hours I just let the dl manager handle it.
I use FreshDownload


I suggest you get a download manager. In addition to resuming, you'll
aso get accelerated downloading, categories to organize all your
files, scheduling for downloading at different times, and many more
useful features that will allow you download anything/anytime.
There's many products for you to try - Getright, DownloadStudio,
Flashget, DAP, IDM, etc.

My favorite is DownloadStudio ( It's got a
few more features than the others and has a great interface.


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