Internet Explorer 6 won't reinstall

  • Thread starter Princess Morgiah
  • Start date

Princess Morgiah

Hi all,

After not being able to start Internet Explorer 6 any longer (see another
thread: Cannot start Internet Explorer 6 anymore) I decided to download
Internet Explorer 6 from the Microsoft site and install it again.

I downloaded the entire package for W2000/XP following the instructions
found on because the computer I'm
trying to repair does not have an internet connection available, and I do
not want to hook it up to my own network.

Anyway, the installation fails because Internet Explorer setup needs
'additional packages' because I have chosen too much to install (I was never
given the choice). Apparently, Outlook is the troublemaker here. So I return
the machine to my client's house and try the download there on his internet

The setup tries to download the extra files, and installs them, after which
I get a failure message telling me that the downloaded files do not verify
against the Windows XP Logo so I need to abort the installation (why? why
can't I just install it anyway?).

Rebooting the machine, the setup window reappears and I enter into the same

I still can't start Internet Explorer, it still crashes with a reference to
urlmon.dll in the report that's being sent to Microsoft.

The strange thing is that when I try to ask for more information via that
reporting tool, IE DOES start but crashes after the window has become

Any ideas? I'm running out of options here...

Princess Morgiah

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Princess Morgiah said:
Hi all,

After not being able to start Internet Explorer 6 any longer (see
another thread: Cannot start Internet Explorer 6 anymore) I decided
to download Internet Explorer 6 from the Microsoft site and install
it again.

I downloaded the entire package for W2000/XP following the
instructions found on because
the computer I'm trying to repair does not have an internet
connection available, and I do not want to hook it up to my own

Anyway, the installation fails because Internet Explorer setup needs
'additional packages' because I have chosen too much to install (I
was never given the choice). Apparently, Outlook is the troublemaker
here. So I return the machine to my client's house and try the
download there on his internet connection.

The setup tries to download the extra files, and installs them, after
which I get a failure message telling me that the downloaded files do
not verify against the Windows XP Logo so I need to abort the
installation (why? why can't I just install it anyway?).

Rebooting the machine, the setup window reappears and I enter into
the same cycle.

I still can't start Internet Explorer, it still crashes with a
reference to urlmon.dll in the report that's being sent to Microsoft.

The strange thing is that when I try to ask for more information via
that reporting tool, IE DOES start but crashes after the window has
become visible.

Any ideas? I'm running out of options here...

Princess Morgiah

"The Software You Are Installing Has Not Passed Windows Logo Testing... "

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
Reply to Newsgroup. I won't answer email
Protect Your PC

Princess Morgiah

Frank Saunders said:
"The Software You Are Installing Has Not Passed Windows Logo Testing... "

Thanks for the link. I followed the instructions found on said link, but
nothing changed.

1. Uninstalled the KB823559 security patch (succesfully), and rebooted
2. Tried to reinstall the Internet Explorer, same error (Windows Logo not
3. Verified that the patch was gone - which was the case
4. Rebooted and tried to install again - this time, the installer complains
about missing packages (OE) but continues to the end. After which, I still
cannot start IE.

Is there a way to remove IE? When I go to the software section in
configuration, I only get the repair item.

If all else fails, I'll have to format and reinstall the machine (which is
something I'm not looking forward to).

Princess Morgiah

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE

Princess Morgiah said:
Thanks for the link. I followed the instructions found on said link,
but nothing changed.

1. Uninstalled the KB823559 security patch (succesfully), and rebooted
2. Tried to reinstall the Internet Explorer, same error (Windows Logo
not passed)
3. Verified that the patch was gone - which was the case
4. Rebooted and tried to install again - this time, the installer
complains about missing packages (OE) but continues to the end. After
which, I still cannot start IE.

Is there a way to remove IE? When I go to the software section in
configuration, I only get the repair item.

If all else fails, I'll have to format and reinstall the machine
(which is something I'm not looking forward to).

Princess Morgiah

How to Reinstall or Repair Internet Explorer and Outlook Express in Windows

Method 2 works on earlier versions of Windows.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP IE/OE
Reply to Newsgroup. I won't answer email
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