Intel cancels next-generation Xeon for even-more-next-generationXeon



No, far more mundane reasons: office politics. BTW, Whitefield was
apparently the name of a suburb in Bangalore, India.

Intel's Xeon chip kill is result of chaos in India | The Register

Yousuf Khan

Just another case of offshoring backfiring. The only advantage of
these Indians over Americans is the price - Indians are dirt-cheap,
you just can't compete against the guy that is paid less than minimum
wage and asks for no medical coverage. But in the end, you get what
you paid for. If I feel sorry for anyone, that are the guys in US and
Israel who lost their Intel jobs to the Indians. Hopefully the
insanity will eventually stop, and the tide of offshoring will turn.


If only the ones sitting in corner offices and making procurement
decisions read InformationWeek or any other "mainstream media"... But
if they commute by car they almost certainly listen to that jingle on
the radio while driving.

The guys i the corner offices work while being driven. ;-)
And when they watch TV they certainly watch
the blue men (BTW, in Russian "blue men" is just another expression
for "fags")

Interesting. I suppose Intel changed its marketing for the Russian
audience? ;-)
- these executive folks rearly have sufficient programming
skills to program even TiVo so they are likely not skipping the ads. AMD
may be leaps and bounds ahead of Intel in terms of technology, but I
don't see them surpassing Intel marketing dept. any time soon.

Didn't you read the thread on F1? It seems Intel's marketing has indeed
been surpassed.
Besides, "nobody ever has been fired for buying Intel" still holds

It *once* held true for IBM too. The world turns.


The guys i the corner offices work while being driven. ;-)

Please let me respectfully disagree with this statement due to
following reasons:
- In the company *** I used to work for, I've more often than not
seen the Audi A8 parked in the spot reserved for (former) CIO
- In the place I worked before that, ome time the boss used to ride
his Harley to work (weather permitting)
- All these high end vehicles, such as Mercedes, Porsche, etc. you
see in rush hour traffic are not usually driven by humble cubicle
- And the most important, either in the rear seat of a corporate limo,
or in a corner office, or even aboard a corporate jet, the activities
of the inhabitants thereof rearly, if ever, results in anything
productive or even useful at all, so it is quite a stretch to call it



Please let me respectfully disagree with this statement due to
following reasons:
- In the company *** I used to work for, I've more often than not
seen the Audi A8 parked in the spot reserved for (former) CIO

Must be a small company.
- In the place I worked before that, ome time the boss used to ride
his Harley to work (weather permitting)

Must be a smaller company.
- All these high end vehicles, such as Mercedes, Porsche, etc. you
see in rush hour traffic are not usually driven by humble cubicle

They are where I work. The kidz drive the Mercs, Audis, and Beamers. No
one drives Porks.
- And the most important, either in the rear seat of a corporate limo,
or in a corner office, or even aboard a corporate jet, the activities of
the inhabitants thereof rearly, if ever, results in anything productive
or even useful at all, so it is quite a stretch to call it "work" ;-)

I think you have a very jaded view of what these folk really do. I don't
want their "easy" lifestyle, at all. I'm fine driving a Ford.


keith said:
I think you have a very jaded view of what these folk really do. I don't
want their "easy" lifestyle, at all. I'm fine driving a Ford.

It's a world of constant backstabbing, covering your ass, never looking
weak, etc. Sure you can make enough money to buy an Audi, Beamer, or
whatever (if you like German cars, that is), maybe even a couple of
them at the same time, but you can just as easily get your ass canned
in a hurry. One day you're here, and the next day you've been assigned
to a "special" project.


It's a world of constant backstabbing, covering your ass, never looking
weak, etc. Sure you can make enough money to buy an Audi, Beamer, or
whatever (if you like German cars, that is), maybe even a couple of
them at the same time, but you can just as easily get your ass canned
in a hurry. One day you're here, and the next day you've been assigned
to a "special" project.

The closer to the top, the closer to the door.

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