instantiate a class using reflection issue

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Hi how can I instaltiate a class and call its method. the class has
non default constructor. all examples i see only with class of defatul
constructor. I am trying to pull the unit test out from the product
source code, but still want to execute them under nunit.

I am trying this idea on nunit sample source code. Here is my class
and the experiemental code: both money.cs and Imoney.cs is compiled to
cs_money.dll. then I create another console app that include
cs_money.dll and try to instantiate the money class at runtime. (code
in moneytestwithreflection.cs; the driver is program.cs.). I can see
the disassembler able to see the all the methods and constructor, so i
think i can use refelction to do the same thing. //excepton already
thrown here saying can;t find the constructor when I call
createinstance in TRYITOUT.CS. I have include all the source file
namespace NUnitApp.Samples.BigMoney

using System;
using System.Text;

/// <summary>A simple Money.</summary>
class Money: IMoney {

private int fAmount;
private String fCurrency;

/// <summary>Constructs a money from the given amount and
/// currency.</summary>
public Money(int amount, String currency) {
fAmount= amount;
fCurrency= currency;

/// <summary>Adds a money to this money. Forwards the request to
/// the AddMoney helper.</summary>
public IMoney Add(IMoney m) {
return m.AddMoney(this);

public IMoney AddMoney(Money m) {
if (m.Currency.Equals(Currency) )
return new Money(Amount+m.Amount, Currency);
return new MoneyBag(this, m);

public IMoney AddMoneyBag(MoneyBag s) {
return s.AddMoney(this);

public int Amount {
get { return fAmount; }

public String Currency {
get { return fCurrency; }

public override bool Equals(Object anObject) {
if (IsZero)
if (anObject is IMoney)
return ((IMoney)anObject).IsZero;
if (anObject is Money) {
Money aMoney= (Money)anObject;
return aMoney.Currency.Equals(Currency)
&& Amount == aMoney.Amount;
return false;

public override int GetHashCode() {
return fCurrency.GetHashCode()+fAmount;

public bool IsZero {
get { return Amount == 0; }

public IMoney Multiply(int factor) {
return new Money(Amount*factor, Currency);

public IMoney Negate() {
return new Money(-Amount, Currency);

public IMoney Subtract(IMoney m) {
return Add(m.Negate());

public override String ToString() {
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder();
buffer.Append("["+Amount+" "+Currency+"]");
return buffer.ToString();

namespace NUnitApp.Samples.BigMoney

/// <summary>The common interface for simple Monies and MoneyBags.</
interface IMoney {

/// <summary>Adds a money to this money.</summary>
IMoney Add(IMoney m);

/// <summary>Adds a simple Money to this money. This is a helper
method for
/// implementing double dispatch.</summary>
IMoney AddMoney(Money m);

/// <summary>Adds a MoneyBag to this money. This is a helper
method for
/// implementing double dispatch.</summary>
IMoney AddMoneyBag(MoneyBag s);

/// <value>True if this money is zero.</value>
bool IsZero { get; }

/// <summary>Multiplies a money by the given factor.</summary>
IMoney Multiply(int factor);

/// <summary>Negates this money.</summary>
IMoney Negate();

/// <summary>Subtracts a money from this money.</summary>
IMoney Subtract(IMoney m);

MY TEst code:

using System;
//using System.Collections.Generic;
//using System.Text;
using System.Reflection;
using NUnit.Framework;

namespace cs_money_test_blar
public class MoneyBagTestWithReflection
private Object f12CHF;
private Object f14CHF;
private Object f7USD;
private Object f21USD;
private Object fMB1;
private Object fMB2;

public void SetUP()
//jsut assume the dll is present for now
System.Reflection.Assembly assem =
//Create Type
System.Type typef14CHF =
//Type typeinfo = typeof(typef14CHF);
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
//Console.WriteLine("typefull name :{0} Constructors: {1},
another {2}",typeinfo,
ConstructorInfo[] myctor = typef14CHF.GetConstructors();
//Console.WriteLine("cotor {0}, {1}", myctor[0],
object [] arg = new object[2];
arg[0] = 12;
arg[1] = "CHF";

f14CHF =
System.Type typef12CHF =
//excepton already thrown here saying can;t find the constructor.
//f12CHF = System.Activator.CreateInstance(typef12CHF(12,
System.Type typef7USD =
//f7USD = System.Activator.CreateInstance(typef7USD(7,
System.Type typef21USD =
assem.GetType("NUnitApp.Samples.BigMoney.Money", true);
//f21USD =
using System;
using cs_money_test_blar;

namespace EntryDriver
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
MoneyBagTestWithReflection myreflection = new
learning said:
Hi how can I instaltiate a class and call its method. the class has
non default constructor. all examples i see only with class of defatul
constructor. I am trying to pull the unit test out from the product
source code, but still want to execute them under nunit.

I am trying this idea on nunit sample source code. Here is my class
and the experiemental code: both money.cs and Imoney.cs is compiled to
cs_money.dll. then I create another console app that include
cs_money.dll and try to instantiate the money class at runtime. (code
in moneytestwithreflection.cs; the driver is program.cs.). I can see
the disassembler able to see the all the methods and constructor, so i
think i can use refelction to do the same thing. //excepton already
thrown here saying can;t find the constructor when I call
createinstance in TRYITOUT.CS. I have include all the source file

class Money: IMoney {
public Money(int amount, String currency) {

System.Reflection.Assembly assem =
System.Type typef14CHF =
BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Instance |
BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic |
object [] arg = new object[2];
arg[0] = 12;
arg[1] = "CHF";

f14CHF =
System.Type typef12CHF =

Three questions:
1) Why is Monet class not public ?
2) Why not use Assembly CreateInstance ?
3) Why do you specify the name of the interface instead of the
name of the class you want to interface ?
