Installing Codecs


James SB

I got a lot of great info from this sight about my issues with WMM and
codecs. I installed the codecs and when I got to the section about installing
there were sveral boxes checked. I unchecked all of them accept the codec
box-was the the correct thing to do? I had to install DVX and DVX6.8.3. Also
WMM works very slow in the area where I placed the video file that needed the
codec. Is this normally?. When I work in this area the codec flashes in the
bottom right hand corner of my screen on the task bar. Is this proper? And
finally, why cant I ask a question here. I am only able to get a dialogue
box for comment? Thanks for any feedback.

Gord Dibben

I know nothing about codecs but you just posted a question so that part is OK


Graham Hughes

As MM is not designed ot work with these codecs it is very lucky that you
have got it working at all, so accept it will be slow. The other option is
to convert the divx movie to wmv adn work at normal speed, but take the
quality hit a conversion will bring.
Try both ways and see which you prefer.

James SB

Should I remove these codecs from my computer because it does cause extreme
slow down. I will do without if you think I should remove. Thanks very much
for your feedback.

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