Installing A97 and A2003 together - workgroup problem


Les Desser

I have installed A2003 as well as having A97 from before.

I have not yet used 2003 but I keep losing my default workgroup.

I keep resetting it to my mdw and it keeps reverting to the system.mdw
file - even though I have not used A2003.

I know I can overcome the main problem by passing the workgroup file as
a command line parameter, but I would like it to continue to work as
before when double-clicking on an mdb file.

Any way to fix it?

Les Desser

"Arvin Meyer [MVP]" said:
I've never seen this happen, especially in Access 97, which is the most
stable version ever developed.

That is why we continue to use it!
Are you setting this from the work group administrator?


I have now tracked it down approximately. If I just open A2003 then it
is OK but if I attempt to open a file with A2003 then it seems to reset

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