Input Mask for General Date/Time



Team Thank you in advance for helping me with my problem.
I have used this forum to build a form to use as a switchboard for
In the forms OnLoad event,
I want to compare a date and time field I have entered on a table against
Now() to see if the customer can still access the "switchboard"

I have a form called frmDates where I can add the "Stop" info I would like
to add a input/edit mask to the stop field so that it is correct. example of
data that would be entered in form 12/27/2009 5:00:00 PM

Table is called tblDates containing
StartDate (date/time format)
StopDate (date/time format)
CurrentMonth (yes/no format)
Stop (date/time format)

the field "Stop" set as a Date/Time format no input mask set for field

I tried spliting the Date and Time into separate fields but the logic I had
didn't seem to work everytime
<Date()>=DLookUp("[StopDate]","TblDates","[CurrentMth]=True") And

I thought I read something stating that Now() shouldn't be used but this is
the only way I can seem to get "restricting access" to the switchboard to

I have tried different input mask such as 99/99/0000 99:00:00\ >LL;;_
but I keep getting an error stating that the size is to big or not correct

I am pretty sure I have two problems going on but any suggestions or help
would be great...

Allen Browne

It would be simplest if you used a single StopDateTime field, instead of
having the date in StopDate and the time in StopTime.

If you really need both fields, you could try adding the date and time
together, i.e. test if:
Now() >= DLookUp("[StopDate]+[StopTime]","TblDates","[CurrentMth]=True")

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