Index, Vlookup, Offset



I have the following raw data setup:

Invoice# Date Description Amount
2007-1 4/1/07 Signage 250.00
2007-1 4/1/07 Mugs 115.00
2007-2 4/2/07 Signage 275.00

In a summary sheet:

I would like to pull the first "Date" for "Invoice#" 2007-1 on line 1.
If Invoice# 2007-1 has a second record, I would like to then pull the second
"Date" for "Invoice#" 2007-1 on line 2.

Thank you in advance for your help

T. Valko

For the first date:

Summary sheet A1 = 2007-1


For the second date (note: this formula will return the date corresponding
to the *LAST INSTANCE* of 2007-1. If there are only 2 instances it will
return the second instance. If there are 10 instances it will return the
10th instance)


Both formula cells need to be formatted as DATE.



Found a solution that would work in discussion history. Thank you to those
that replied to the post.

Perhaps this could be an option ..

Source data in Sheet1's cols A and B, from row2 down

In Sheet2,
Assume Store # will be input in B1

In A2:
Leave A1 empty

In B2:
Select A2:B2, copy down to cover the max expected extent of data in Sheet1.
Hide away col A. Col B returns the required results all neatly bunched at the

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