Incorrect Hard Drive Capacity Incorrect Problem



Recently was given a Hard Drive that was working until suddenly did not
work correctly.

Connected it to my test PC and checked for unusual startup and shutdown
noises but there were none.

Tried to use DOS FDISK got Error Reading Fixed Disk message. When used
DOS chkdsk finally got some usable info!

Chkdsk listed HD as 1,457,664 bytes total disk space
292,352 bytes in 3 hidden files
1,042,944 bytes in 6 user files
122,368 bytes available on disk

Checked the forums but so far have only found mention of ResQdisk as
possibly correcting this problem.

Hopefully someone else has solved this problem.



Recently was given a Hard Drive that was working until suddenly did
not work correctly.

Connected it to my test PC and checked for unusual startup and
shutdown noises but there were none.

Tried to use DOS FDISK got Error Reading Fixed Disk message. When
used DOS chkdsk finally got some usable info!

Chkdsk listed HD as 1,457,664 bytes total disk space
292,352 bytes in 3 hidden files
1,042,944 bytes in 6 user files
122,368 bytes available on disk

Checked the forums but so far have only found mention of ResQdisk as
possibly correcting this problem.

Hopefully someone else has solved this problem.


Maybe something here?




Thanks for the link,started reading and looks like a steep learning
curve! will print it out and take my time.

Have you used this? Any tips?

Have been searching since posting this prob am wondering if it is due
to a virus or other malware? because found this.




Thanks for the link,started reading and looks like a steep
learning curve! will print it out and take my time.

Have you used this? Any tips?

Have been searching since posting this prob am wondering if it
is due to a virus or other malware? because found this.


That is a reputable site. I once used on of its tools to help
recover a hard drive (don't recall which tool now but it was
freeware) and it worked well.

It's possible that you may have a corrupt Master Partition Table
in the MBR of that HD (and if that's corrupt them some of the code
that makes up the MBR may be corrupt too).

Some tools try to rebuild the MPT and get your partition/s back
but it doesn't sound as if you need to recover them.

Don't recall ResQdisk but sounds as if it's worth a try. Do a
surface scan afterwards if ResQdisk doesn't do one.


Recently was given a Hard Drive that was working until suddenly did not
work correctly.

Connected it to my test PC and checked for unusual startup and shutdown
noises but there were none.

Tried to use DOS FDISK got Error Reading Fixed Disk message. When used
DOS chkdsk finally got some usable info!

Chkdsk listed HD as 1,457,664 bytes total disk space
292,352 bytes in 3 hidden files
1,042,944 bytes in 6 user files
122,368 bytes available on disk

Checked the forums but so far have only found mention of ResQdisk as
possibly correcting this problem.
D\load the test tools from the drive manufacturers site.
Use them to examine the disk.

Marten Kemp

Recently was given a Hard Drive that was working until suddenly did not
work correctly.

Connected it to my test PC and checked for unusual startup and shutdown
noises but there were none.

Tried to use DOS FDISK got Error Reading Fixed Disk message. When used
DOS chkdsk finally got some usable info!

Chkdsk listed HD as 1,457,664 bytes total disk space
292,352 bytes in 3 hidden files
1,042,944 bytes in 6 user files
122,368 bytes available on disk

Checked the forums but so far have only found mention of ResQdisk as
possibly correcting this problem.

Hopefully someone else has solved this problem.

Do you care about what's on the hard drive?
If not, go here: By Category/Desktop Storage/Maxtor Other
Download Powermax, make and boot the floppy.

It'll scan and remap any bad sectors.

-- Marten Kemp
(Fix name and ISP to reply)
.... "Figure out what *you* care about. Your life isn't some
god's, it isn't some priest's, it's *yours* - you get to
decide what's right for you. Grow up and be responsible
for yourself. How? Here's a hint. Decide what sorts of
people you'd like to see more of in the world.
Then go become one of them." -- eyelessgame from alt.atheism
* TagZilla 0.059 *



I DL and tried all the NetZ utils but only xonehalf ran the rest just
locked and had to reboot. Would be interested if anyone has experience
with cleantrk, fixboot, xmonkey or
resqdisk? Read the info and look

I have the WD test floppy but it only gives an error message and you
are to check with WD support. This WD HD is out of warranty so...

Thanks for the PowerMax link. Am DL and will try.




I DL and tried all the NetZ utils but only xonehalf ran the rest
just locked and had to reboot.

Hey, go steady! More is not necessarily better. I somehow get
the feeling you ran the utils by dropping into DOS from Win98 or
WinXP. You really need to run them by booting into DOS. In
practise this usually means you leave the floppy in and reboot and
we will assume the BIOS is set to boot the floppy first.
Would be interested if anyone
has experience with cleantrk, fixboot, xmonkey or
resqdisk? Read the info
and look interesting.

I have the WD test floppy but it only gives an error message and
you are to check with WD support. This WD HD is out of warranty

Thanks for the PowerMax link. Am DL and will try.

Marten, you posted you tried a bundle if NetZ utils. I wonder if
you are sufficiently familiar with what you are getting involved
in? If not then please be clear than unless you are careful you
might apply a utility to the disk your existing operating system
is in. That would be disastrous if the utlity tries to wipe the
disk clean. Needless to say the conventions make this quite
possible as HDDs are numbered from 0, disk partitions on a hard
drive from 1, sectors from 1, tracks/cyclinders from 0 and that is
by MOST people. From time to time someone will adopt a different
convention or try to make it all user friendly by dropping the 0
starting values.


Franklin said:
Hey, go steady! More is not necessarily better. I somehow get
the feeling you ran the utils by dropping into DOS from Win98 or
WinXP. You really need to run them by booting into DOS. In
practise this usually means you leave the floppy in and reboot and
we will assume the BIOS is set to boot the floppy first.

Marten, you posted you tried a bundle if NetZ utils. I wonder if
you are sufficiently familiar with what you are getting involved
in? If not then please be clear than unless you are careful you
might apply a utility to the disk your existing operating system
is in. That would be disastrous if the utlity tries to wipe the
disk clean. Needless to say the conventions make this quite
possible as HDDs are numbered from 0, disk partitions on a hard
drive from 1, sectors from 1, tracks/cyclinders from 0 and that is
by MOST people. From time to time someone will adopt a different
convention or try to make it all user friendly by dropping the 0
starting values.

Is there any chance the HD was compressed? If so, ;( ... much work
involved. It may be easier to just get a new HD.

As for your earlier question re the site's programs, no, I haven't used it
yet, but plan to do some experimenting with it on an old computer.


(e-mail address removed) a écrit :
Recently was given a Hard Drive that was working until suddenly did not
work correctly.

Connected it to my test PC and checked for unusual startup and shutdown
noises but there were none.

Tried to use DOS FDISK got Error Reading Fixed Disk message. When used
DOS chkdsk finally got some usable info!

Chkdsk listed HD as 1,457,664 bytes total disk space
292,352 bytes in 3 hidden files
1,042,944 bytes in 6 user files
122,368 bytes available on disk

Checked the forums but so far have only found mention of ResQdisk as
possibly correcting this problem.

Hopefully someone else has solved this problem.


Now, a basic reply from someone who lost recently 4 hard drives (bad
of seagates) .

1) Why you don't simply use scandisk ??????

2) Go to the vendor's site (maxtor, seagate, WD) download theire
utility suitable for YOUR drive, therefore take care of model and
serial number.

3) Run the fabrican's tests ! Then you will see what problems you have,
what you not have. Isn' t the sun shining throught ?

laurent h

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