Where I used to have 4 headings for the various columns in my Outlook Inbox--"RECEIVED", "SENDER", "SUBJECT", and "SIZE", there are now only RECEIVED, telling me *when* the e-mail was received, and SIZE
The SUBJECT heading disappeared 2 or 3 weeks ago, and the SENDER one just went away today
I'm not aware of anything I've done, and I can't find how to restore them
Please help!
I'd prefer you backchannel me, (e-mail address removed), thank you very, very, VERY much
Max in California
The SUBJECT heading disappeared 2 or 3 weeks ago, and the SENDER one just went away today
I'm not aware of anything I've done, and I can't find how to restore them
Please help!
I'd prefer you backchannel me, (e-mail address removed), thank you very, very, VERY much
Max in California