inbox.dbx infected with netsky !!! HELP !!!


Andy Yeo

I have one windows xp pro laptop with outlook express

the inbox.dbx file seems corrupted because months of email just suddenly
went missing for no reason

I suspected that it is corrupted

I installed easyrecovery pro and ran the emailrepair function to recover the
inbox.dbx file

I successfully recovered most of the mails

But when the easyrecovery emailrepair is just about to write the repaired
inbox.dbx file into the hard drive, my symantec antivirus corporate edition
complains that the repaired inbox.dbx file is infected with the NETSKY virus
.... and deletes the inbox.dbx file because it could not clean it ...

I recover the inbox.dbx file the second time and this time I switched off
symantec antivirus and emailrepair wrote the file on to the hard drive.

I then download the netsky removal tool from Trend Micro, Symantec and
Mcafee to try to remove the netsky virus from the inbox.dbx file

All 3 removal tool could not find the netsky virus in the inbox.dbx file !!!

Now when I start symantec antivirus ... it immidiately warns that the
inbox.dbx file is infected with the netsky virus and deletes it because it
could not clean it ...

can someone please tell me what I can do to clean the inbox.dbx file of the
netsky virus ???

Thanks ...

George Hester

The netsky virus is likely just an attachment to one of your e-mails. Just delete the e-mail there is nothing in them you want. When you use the inbox after you were able to recover it then you remove the nasty email. It will be on order of 39KB to 41KB as seen in the dbx. If you remove the attachment it will be on order 29KB. Netsky can do nothing unless you execute the attachment. And that does not happen by reading e-mail. It usually comes as a zip anyway but can come as a pif; a scr; a cpl; a exe; from most likely to less likely respectively. HTH

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