In .NET - How to get name of MQ.Service on local machine



Hello everyone,

I am using "MQ.dll" which is supposed to be written
in .NET. My question is how do I get name of the
MQSeries.Service on the local machine. What I want to do
is mimmic what the MQ Series Explorer does!i.e. list all
of the Queue Managers on the local machine and then when a
user clicks on a Queue Manager I want to populate another
list box with the Queues. Any help pointing me at the
right objects or methods would be helpful!!

Thank You in advance for Your Help,

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]

Hi Ken,

Thanks for your post.

Are you using a third-party tools names MQSeries.NET?
There is an documentation and some samples on his home page:

Let's see if other community members have some suggestions on this issue.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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Hello Ying-Shen Yu ,

Yes, I am using that dll. "MQ.dll", however , the assembly
is just a light wrapper -- so now the problem is that I am
not that well versed in writing command lines to Web
Sphere. Most people use the user interface. I am hoping
that someone has used Web Sphere at the command level to
give insight into the commands needed to show ;
1) services level , 2)Queue Managers level 3)Queues 4)

Thank You in advance for Your Help,

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]

Hi Ken,

I wish I could help, however I haven't used the IBM WebSphere before,
I'm regret to say I'm unable to give suggestions on this issue,

If this issue is MQSeries specific, proabably your questions could be
answered in:

Also, you may try contacting the author of "MQSeries.NET",
maybe he could give you some help on that.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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