In a Datasheet form, how do I autofill one column from a table lis



I am creating an application which tracks performance in a call center -
migrating from a spreadsheet version. I list the names of the staff in one
column and then collect performance data during the day for each staff member
and for each team. I would like to have Access manage this process. I plan
to use a datasheet to list the names of the staff automatically based upon a
seperate form which tracks attendance. At data collection times, I want to
pull up the form, put in the numbers, print a report, and have the form come
up showing the numbers from a previous day or previous collection time. I
have decided to use their empolyee number as the relational basis for all

#1 - How do I get Access to autofill the Name column with all available names?

#2 - How do I get Access to autofill all columns with the names and numbers
collected from previous days and/or times?

Thanks in advance for all help given.


answer to #1 - If you create a query based on your linked table/s you can
then set that as the recordsource for your datasheet, but I suspect you may
be better of designing a form to do the job of data entry for this excercise
rather than a datasheet.

#2 You don't, you only print Reports, and for that again, you will have to
create a query returning all the correct data to show in your report, again
probably best to have a form which the user selects the *search* criteria -
ie employee and dates, and use this input to sort your query data by for your
report to use and print.


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