Import's Field Mapping ignores "Customer ID". How to workaround?

  • Thread starter Itzik via
  • Start date

Itzik via

Field Mapping in the File-> Import/Export from Excel into Contacts does not let me map the cust# column in my .xls to Outlook Contact's "Customer ID" field (one of the "Misc" fields in Field Chooser). I can only map to the "Account" field. Any suggestions on how to add target fields in mapping process would be much appreciated.

Karl Timmermans

Short answer - you can only map to the fields shown in the Outlook import
wizard (which is not a complete list) but will easily stand corrected on
this one if someone says otherwise :).


PS - Both AccountID and CustomerID are on the list of mappable fields within
any of the ContactGenie products.
Karl Timmermans - The Claxton Group
ContactGenie - Importer 1.3 / DataPorter 2.0
"Power contact importers for MS Outlook '2000/2003"

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