Importing excel data from row 2



How do I just import everything from row 2 in the excel file??
I don't want to define a range, eg A2:V750, as each month when the data is
imported, it will be a different amount of rows. I just want to import data
from row 2 downwards.
Any help would be much appreciated.

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

The only way to use TransferSpreadsheet action for this type of import is to
provide a range argument, such as A2:<something>.

However, I believe that ACCESS / Jet are smart enough to identify when you
have provided a range that is "bigger" than the actual data set, and they
only import the existing data.

So, try using a range of A2:IV65536 for the TransferSpreadsheet Range
argument. Let us know if this is successful.


I tried using this range, but then was given the following message:
"The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object A2:IV65536.
Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name


I saved the file, and used the range A2:U50000 (I used column U as it will be
the same amount of columns each month) and it worked

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