Importing Contacts from Act 6.0 to Outlook 2007



We are trying to convert our database to Outlook 2007. Does anyone know how
to do this successfully? We have a database of over 6,000 contacts, and
would really like to convert all of it if possible. Thanks!

Luther Blissett

We are trying to convert our database to Outlook 2007.  Does anyone know how
to do this successfully?  We have a database of over 6,000 contacts, and
would really like to convert all of it if possible.  Thanks!

In BCM select Import menu item. ACT! is one of the choices in the
import wizard.


meeko said:
We are trying to convert our database to Outlook 2007. Does anyone know how
to do this successfully? We have a database of over 6,000 contacts, and
would really like to convert all of it if possible. Thanks!


I have come across this problem and while the BCM does have a import wizard,
its fraught with issues.

the first part where it extract the data into a file for use importing inot
BCM is fine, apart from dates. it changes all dates not to your locale but to
USA format.

This is ok unless your sql databse has a locale as mine does of UK, then it
failes as soon as it hits a UK date thats silly like 5/24/2007.

Then best of all, all the history dates are converted to the import date
(today) whenever, they arent left as the correct date for the history item.
What idiot thought of that god alone knows.

The first UK/USA date issue we got over with some VB basic pre processing
the file, but the last default date issue killed the project dead.

To my knowledge no one inthe BCM team deems these issues worth of a fix, its
shame some of them dont come a work in the real world for a while.

So I cant use BCM for myself or for my dozen or so customers who want to
move on from ACT.

Cest La Vie

Jerry Barrett


The conversion from ACT! to BCM is really complex and there is a company that
specializes on services for this, namely

Contact them and they'll probably give you a good deal on a conversion.


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