Importing a non front page web site



I am using the import web wizard in FP 2002 to import a web site that someone
wants me to take over, it is not a front page imports the site but
does not import the images specifically the ones on this page
I tried it a second time to just get the images and I got a message that the
content was protected or something like that...If I cannot get everything i
cannot take over the site....Also, if I do move the domain registration to my
server will I then automatically have access to everything that i did not get
by importing...please help...Do I need to have the original person that built
the site do something to release the images???


Google for "web copier". Use one to grab the page, AND its rollover images.
It should be a simple thing....

Thomas A. Rowe

You need to download a copy of the site via a FTP application to a folder on your HD, then you can
open the folder in FP (Let FP make it a web).

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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