Images and text boxes



I created some boxes in publisher- turned them into images- I want to put my
text on top of them. i tried layers and text boxes, they both look terriable
in safari and firefox.
I know I can can create each box in publisher and the insert them into the
web page as a picture- I was hoping there was an easier way.

Is there anyway to lock the text box to the image or the cell?
Or is there anyway to send my image behind the text, if I just type it right
into the cell?
also, my images are not placed right in safari or firefox- does anyone know
a fix for that? I inserted them into each cell in a table.
my site is
any help would be GREATLY appreciated- I am about to dump all this work and
move to dreamweaver. I really want to be able to work with these color boxes.
I know I could change to color of the cells- but I really would like them to
be curved.
Thanks! pmeble


Thanks for the great advice. It did work, I created background images in
bording and shading. one problem- the text is now aligned in the correct
cells- but on firefox and safari you cannot see the background images. I may
just go with it- but if anyone has any ideas??

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

actuawlly they are there...try scrolling your page up/down...same thing in
IE. - probably not the effect you want.

| Thanks for the great advice. It did work, I created background images in
| bording and shading. one problem- the text is now aligned in the correct
| cells- but on firefox and safari you cannot see the background images. I
| just go with it- but if anyone has any ideas??
| thnaks,
| Pilar
| "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > Make the images background images for a cell in a table.
| > Then type your text into the cell.
| >
| > --
| >
| > Steve Easton
| > Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > FP Cleaner
| >
| > Hit Me FP
| >
| >
| >
| > | > >I created some boxes in publisher- turned them into images- I want to
put my
| > > text on top of them. i tried layers and text boxes, they both look
| > > in safari and firefox.
| > > I know I can can create each box in publisher and the insert them into
| > > web page as a picture- I was hoping there was an easier way.
| > >
| > > Is there anyway to lock the text box to the image or the cell?
| > > Or is there anyway to send my image behind the text, if I just type it
| > > into the cell?
| > > also, my images are not placed right in safari or firefox- does anyone
| > > a fix for that? I inserted them into each cell in a table.
| > > my site is
| > > any help would be GREATLY appreciated- I am about to dump all this
work and
| > > move to dreamweaver. I really want to be able to work with these color
| > > I know I could change to color of the cells- but I really would like
them to
| > > be curved.
| > > Thanks! pmeble
| >
| >
| >


i just fiqured that out! weird. literally I loaded the page- checked it and
then my email came that i got a response! i am going to try it and see how it
looks- may not be that bad.
It is so weird that one thing works- but another does not? It makes no sense
to me.

Rob Giordano \(Crash\)

Are you trying to convert a Publisher created website? ...or Word created?
If so you're gonna have problems with all the VML stuff (wordart, textboxes,

| That totally worked!! THANK YOU!!
| except- my left cell is not coming up? will redo and fiqure it out!
| "Rob Giordano (Crash)" wrote:
| > actuawlly they are there...try scrolling your page up/down...same thing
| > IE. - probably not the effect you want.
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| >
| > | > | Thanks for the great advice. It did work, I created background images
| > | bording and shading. one problem- the text is now aligned in the
| > | cells- but on firefox and safari you cannot see the background images.
| > may
| > | just go with it- but if anyone has any ideas??
| > | thnaks,
| > | Pilar
| > |
| > | "Steve Easton" wrote:
| > |
| > | > Make the images background images for a cell in a table.
| > | > Then type your text into the cell.
| > | >
| > | > --
| > | >
| > | > Steve Easton
| > | > Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| > | > FP Cleaner
| > | >
| > | > Hit Me FP
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| > | > | > | > >I created some boxes in publisher- turned them into images- I want
| > put my
| > | > > text on top of them. i tried layers and text boxes, they both look
| > terriable
| > | > > in safari and firefox.
| > | > > I know I can can create each box in publisher and the insert them
| > the
| > | > > web page as a picture- I was hoping there was an easier way.
| > | > >
| > | > > Is there anyway to lock the text box to the image or the cell?
| > | > > Or is there anyway to send my image behind the text, if I just
type it
| > right
| > | > > into the cell?
| > | > > also, my images are not placed right in safari or firefox- does
| > know
| > | > > a fix for that? I inserted them into each cell in a table.
| > | > > my site is
| > | > > any help would be GREATLY appreciated- I am about to dump all this
| > work and
| > | > > move to dreamweaver. I really want to be able to work with these
| > boxes.
| > | > > I know I could change to color of the cells- but I really would
| > them to
| > | > > be curved.
| > | > > Thanks! pmeble
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >
| >
| >
| >

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