if then subform


Papa Jonah

I have a form with a set of radio buttons. I want the radio buttons (two
options) to define which of two subforms appear.
I suspect I need to select the option group and put something in for after
update, but I have no idea what.
Then I suspect I put both subforms on the form and set their visible setting
to no.
Some how after update of the radiobutton one subform or the other will have
the visible setting turned to yes.

Do I have the right idea? How do I implement it?



Papa Jonah

That worked great. However, I know need the chosen subform to stay selected
within each record as I select the individual records. For example, record 1
may have selected subform 1 and records 2-5 have subform 2.

How can I do that.

Papa Jonah

Damon Heron said:
It sounds like something in the record is determining the choice of
subforms, rather than the user. That is a different matter.
What distinquishes each record? The main form's current event would be a
good place to set the subform based on some
criteria found on the current record. Look at the current event in help.
something like:
if "my control on mainform=somevalue" then make this subform visible, else
make the other subform visible.


The numeric value associated with the selected radiobutton gets stored in a field called reviewassessment. So when the user initially selects the button, the number gets stored in a table. I suspect, based on this number, the subform is chosen to be visible or not.
I can't figure out how to do that. In Access 2007 I don't see a current
record option.

Papa Jonah

Thanks Damon.
The part I was missing was the oncurrent for the form rather than the radio
button frame.
The button is just the radio button on the main form so that through the
user's selection of the radio button, the appropriate subform shows up.

Thanks again.

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