If false then do nothing




Type in "excel if do nothing" into a search engine and you'll find a bunch
of people asking the same question I have : If a value is already entered
into the cell, then is there a way - using IF - to preserve that value if a
condition is no longer true. Apparently not.

My situation is this:

Column A Column B Column C Column D Column E
Column F
1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Thursaday Friday
2 03/23/09 03/24/09 03/25/09
03/26/09 03/27/09
4 Items Received 4 5 3
0 10
5 Items Sent 6 3 2
3 12
6 Problems Solved 8 10 1
5 3
7 Problems Created 6 7 0
0 9

Monday I type in the data, then Tuesday, and so on through Friday. Then
next week I update the dates in row 2 (3/23, 3/24 are now 3/30, 3/31 and so
on) and overtype that data with new data as that week progresses. I'd like
to keep a permanent record of last week's data, this weeks data, in fact
every day as I type it in.

Id like to find a way to move each day's data (based on the date) to a
certain row on another worksheet and store it. Each new date will get it's
own row. 3/23's data in column B will be row 1 (4,6,8,6 will be copied and
stored); 3/24's data in column C will be row 2 (5,3,10,7 will be copied and
stored); etc... and once that day is done then that row is no longer touched
by excel.

Hence the problem grabbing that data with an IF function. IF today matches
the date in a certain column, then copy that data to this row and that's
great, but if not then do nothing. The problem is that an IF function will
erase the data by returning "" or zero if the dates no longer match so only
the current date's data will appear in storage.

I need a macro but I've no idea how to search for one. I dont know the



If I were you I would create a new row for every new week... and then pick
the data from there and show the current snapshot... It would be easier and
can be achieved by a formula...


Ok the formatting got all messed up in the table I typed. You'd think that
Microsoft of all people would have figured out long ago how to WYSIWYG things
on the Net, especially when people are using the Net so much to communicate
with each other. Anyway here's a more-compressed table :

1 Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri
2 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27
4 Rec'd 4 5 3 0 10
5 Sent 6 3 2 3 12
6 Solved 8 10 1 5 3
7 Created 6 7 0 0 9

Everything else remains the same as in the original post.

- Eri


Ok the formatting got all messed up in the table I typed. You'd think that
Microsoft of all people would have figured out long ago how to WYSIWYG things
on the Net, especially when people are using the Net so much to communicate
with each other. Anyway here's a more-compressed table :

1 Mon Tue Wed Thr Fri
2 3/23 3/24 3/25 3/26 3/27
4 Rec'd 4 5 3 0 10
5 Sent 6 3 2 3 12
6 Solved 8 10 1 5 3
7 Created 6 7 0 0 9

Everything else remains the same as in the original post.

- Eric



The problem with using a formula to grab data from a fixed location such as
the numbers in the block B4:F7 is that the source numbers will eventually
change, and since the formula to grab that information will always remain
active, it too will eventually overwrite the original data I wanted to

For example I want to preserve the information in cell B4, so I write a
formula at some cell in the new row I created (as suggested by Sheeloo where
I'm preserving the information, which is likely in a new worksheet), and this
formula grabs the information in cell B4. B4 at this point represents some
number for Monday, March 23rd as indicated by row 2 of the source data
(03/23/09, 03/24/09 etc...) Next week comes along, the dates in row 2 of my
source are updated to reflect the next week, and now B4 needs to represent
some number for Monday, March 30. So whats going to happen with the formula
I created to grab B4 and preserve it? It's going to update with the new
information, which is what I don't want, or it's going to return a "" or zero
value because I tried to make it conditional on date March 23 only, which is
also what I don't want.

I need a "do nothing" so B4 from March 23 is preserved once it's written
into the row that preserves information for March 23. I'm thinking I need a
macro, VBA, something.

- Eric


Here's what I'd like to do for the source data in block B4:F7, and I know it
cannot be done in the way I'm presenting it. But it's also the clearest way
to present it on this forum:

IF today is March 23, 2009 then write B4 to here, else leave this location
alone (don't write "" double quotes, don't write a zero, dont erase the
information you wrote on March 23, 2009, just leave this location alone and
move on, whatever number that was brought to this location on March 23, 2009
just leave it alone, it must not be March 23, 2009 anymore so move on). This
IF statement is used to grab all the B-column information for March 23, 2009
and place it into the row that preserves the info for March 23.

The next row, because it's a new day, will be similar : IF today is March
24, 2009 then write C4 to here, else...yadda yadda yadda

And so on for the week of March 23, 2009.

Next week column B now represents March 30, 2009, yet there's a new row for
preserving the information: IF today is March 30, 2009 then write B4 to here,
else...yadda yadda yadda

- Eric

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