IE7 not displaying background images or stylesheets

  • Thread starter Thread starter Matt-the-Hoople
  • Start date Start date


Thought I'd toss this out here to some higher minds:

A friend has a machine running Windoze XP (SP3 I believe) with multiple
identities set up. On one of the 'identities', which has admin rights, IE7
will not display stylesheets or background images. IE7 behaves properly
with all other 'identities' on that machine, including another identity
with admin privileges.

I've reset IE to mfg defaults, tried numerous combinations of stuff short
of tin-knocking the windoze registry, all to no avail. Next step is to
delete that user account and make another for her. I'd rather not do that,
for all the obvious reasons.

Anyone have any idea what may be going on?


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# d o n ' t b e l i e v e e v e r y t h i n g y o u t h i n k
Please try the IE7 group.
The recommended newsgroup is microsoft.public.internetexplorer.general

Thanks Alan. Will do. Didn't see that in my list o' groups.
In a proper newsreader:

XNews rules
If you must use a web interface:

GoogleGropes drools

See, run by a contemporary and cohort from AWW
who calls himself Blinky (

thanks for the tip.

# remove _your_clothes_ when emailing me

# d o n ' t b e l i e v e e v e r y t h i n g y o u t h i n k