ie6 slow now with sp2 on xp



i installed sp2 on xp this weekend and now my internet is
sooooo slow! i'm on dsl with sbc global in so cal. i
installed the sbc patch before i downloaded sp2.
everything else is working fine. help!!!


Please try these:

Clean Temporary Internet Files, Cookies and other temporary files:

Check for errors and defragment hard drive:

Clean Windows Startup and hidden Startup:

Spyware/Virus Removal and Prevention:
(Links to online virus scans on the same page)

Alternatives to IE are Mozilla, Firefox and Opera.

Hope this helps!


-----Original Message-----
i installed sp2 on xp this weekend and now my internet is
sooooo slow! i'm on dsl with sbc global in so cal. i
installed the sbc patch before i downloaded sp2.
everything else is working fine. help!!!

I forwarded you an email to your pacbell address that SBC
sent out a short while ago that may address your problem,
a portion of which I inserted below:

"Dear SBC Yahoo! Member:

If you are using the Windows XP Operating System on any
of your computers connected to SBC Yahoo! Dial or SBC
Yahoo! DSL, this courtesy message is for you. Users of
other operating systems are not affected.

In August, Microsoft Corporation will be offering Windows
XP users an update called "Service Pack 2". You may hear
about the Service Pack 2 update in the news, on the
Internet, or by seeing prompts on your computer screen
telling you to load a "Critical Upgrade" to Windows.

Service Pack 2 provides a series of security enhancements
for the Windows XP operating system. These new updates
and features may cause SBC Yahoo! and other software on
your computer to behave differently.

Based on our testing, SBC has determined that some users
will experience changes after loading Service Pack 2 when
using the customized SBC Yahoo! Browser, Parental
Controls, SBC Yahoo! Web mail, and Instant Messenger. SBC
and Yahoo! have prepared an update for these software
components that you should load to ensure compatibility
with Service Pack 2.

Please copy and paste the below URL into your browser to
download the software update.

In addition, if you are using a firewall on your XP
computer, you will need to go to the firewall
manufacturer's website and load any software updates they
provide for Service Pack 2."

Hope this helps.

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