IE6 "Javascript : open window" problem



I have a problem with the links the properties of which are:

Protocol: unknown
Adress: javascript : OpenWindow
(URL) : for a page or a file to download

When I click on it nothing happens.

When right-click the Save Target command I get the famous message:

"Internet Explorer cannot download File.doc from ServerName.
Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet Site. The requested
site is either unavailable or cannot be found."

No problem with other links.

My OS is Windows 98SE.
IE6-SP1 has been installed and reinstalled.
Java VM is installed and seems to work fine.
In Internet Options/Advanced, Java console, Java logging and JIT compiler
for VM are enabled.
I removed Gozilla after reading it may cause problems.
I even tried unsuccessfully with the firewall inactivated.

But if I type manually the full URL in the IE6 adress window, bypassing the
link, I get the download.

Thanks for your help.


Hello Sandi,

Thanks you for your information.

Meanwhile I found a good tip on the TEK-TIPS forum.
Replacing Comctl32.dll by the old version from my Win98 CD did the trick.

I have lost hours on that one -;(

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