IE in Vista crashes more often than XP



I seem to get more "IE has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
errors in Vista than XP. Why is that? (The IE addons are no different in
Vista than in my XP installation which I dual boot with).

Chad Harris


Add ons in Vista can cause crashes, but I don't know if they do statstically
more than in XP. Try running SFC and see if it helps you. It's not a
cureall, but it can often help IE problems.

Type "cmd" into the Search box above the Start Button>and when cmd comes up
at the top of the Start menu>right click cmd and click "run as Admin" and
when the cmd prompt comes up at the cmd prompt type "sfc /scannow" no quotes
and let it run. This may fix things quite a bit. It replaces corrupt files
with intact ones, if you're not familiar with it.

Good luck,


Mr. Arnold

AM said:
I seem to get more "IE has encountered a problem and needs to close..."
errors in Vista than XP. Why is that? (The IE addons are no different in
Vista than in my XP installation which I dual boot with).

What? You added addon(s) not knowing if they are Vista compatible?

Keith Patrick

I've noticed that myself (I'm up to 2-3 crashes a day under Vista). I
believe it's usually Flash, but try to browse the web without it these days.

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