IE cannot display web pages



I upgraded from Windows ME to Windows XP Pro. Everything worked great until
the second time I logged into IE 6.0. When clicking on a news story the page
came back as unavailable. No websites will load at all.

I have repaired XP and still have the same problem.

Any suggestions?

Mark L. Ferguson

Go to Start/Run, and type: REGSVR32 URLMON.DLL Then open IE, Tools menu, Options, Program Tab, and click the "Reset Web Settings"



Thanks for responding! I followed your suggestion and received a succeeded
message when running the REGSVR32 URLMON.DLL. I then reset the Web settings.
However, I still have the same problem. Web pages will not load.

Mark L. Ferguson

the netsh command in SP2 can rebuild your Winsock. Open the command prompt and type: netsh winsock reset , then press ENTER.


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