IE 6 and Outlook Express Terminally Compromised???



My gosh, what in the world is going on with IE 6? It is
COMPLETELY compromised! The patches are useless (in most
circumstances), creating more problems then they solve...

I'm not sure if it ends just in the IE 6 browser; my hunch
is that the entire Windows (9x & XP) operating systems are
more compromised than Microsoft is letting on... I think
it has mostly to do with how Windows is attached so
delicately to the Explorer, (which is attached to my
documents, control panel etc. etc. - use your

Microsoft needs to reconstruct the ENTIRE IE 6 browser,
AND Outlook Express, not just offer endusers countless
patches which more often than not just create an
enviroment of Paradox and Chaos... I'm sorry that I'm
posting a rather large comment and not a request for help,
I am just getting really close to pulling the plug on my
DSL until I get a new (MAC? or Linux?) based computer...

The internet is just not worth this much hastle and
frustration (for me any way) - I think all Windows users
should be aware of a potential OS Kernel Compromise, and
should immediately express their concerns to ? (starts
holding breath now)!!

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