icons appearing on multiple desktops



I am having a problem customizing my desktop. We have
multiple users in our family and each wants their own
desktop. However, when my son adds an icon to his
desktop - it shows up on my desktop. If I delete his
icon from my destop, it is deleted from his desktop
also. Any Ideas on how we can customize a desktop
without it showing up on all the desktops?? (We recently
upgraded from windows ME to XP). Thanks!!!!!!!!!!


Each account has their own desktop and you can place
icons individually that way. Some programs during the
install give you the option if it detects multiple
accounts - most don't so, on w/ the explanation.

Pretty simple really. Just open Windows Explorer (right
click on My Computer and goto Explore or hit Window+E)
then either navigate to the users desktop or type (or
paste) C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop where User
is the name of the account. If it's password protected
you will be denied access unless you are currently using
that account. Just add the shortcut or whatever you want
and it will only appear for that user.

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