icon overwrittin



I have XP and when I create a short cut to desk top the
web sites icon gets overwritten buy the blue E. This does
not happen to all short cuts, and this problem just
started, ebay is one of these problems along with google
and yahoo. Any Ideas how to stop or fix?

Rick \Nutcase\ Rogers


This is because the icons or, more accurately, favicons are pushed out. When
you add a page to favorites, the favicon is stored in your temporary
internet files (TIF's for short). As newer information is added to the
TIF's, the older information is purged. When the favicon is purged, it is
replaced by the default "e" that you now see.

So what is the solution? Well, basically you want to rescue the favicon. If
you get it out of the TIF's and place it in some other folder (you can
create your own if you like), it will not be purged and lost from the
system. Then right-click the shortcut in your favorites and select
properties. On the Web Document tab there is a "change icon" button, click
this, then navigate to the folder where you saved the favicon and select it.
Apply/ok your way back out, and now the icon should be permanent.

If the favicon is already missing, you can often get it back by removing
that page from your favorites, then deleting the TIF's (tools/internet
options/"delete files" on the general tab), then readding that page to
favorites. Then you will need to search the system a bit to find the actual
file for movement out to a more permanent location.

Best of Luck,

Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP

Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone

Windows help - www.rickrogers.org

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