Ical attribute to set publishers recommended refresh rate



Ok i'm using outlook 2007 with a ical feed from a different system
(works well) but it seem to keep updating every minute when the send/
recieve group runs which is good but bad as it needs to be upto date
buy not that upto date :).

What can I add to the ical file to limit the refresh rate to something
more sensible as outlook mentions it won't update more often then the
publisher suggests but I cannot find out how I as the provider of the
ical i can suggest one.

What's the syntax for specifying update limits in an iCalendar file? I
couldn't find any mention of it in the RFC.

Vince Averello [MVP-Outlook]

You can create a different send/receive group for your Internet calendars to
set the refresh time


That does work but i was hoping to make use of the TTL type attribute
For RSS feeds outlook seems to respect the <ttl>15</ttl> but i cannot
find what attrribute outlook 2007 expects for ical files

i've tried
X-TTL: 15

but that part of the import screen continues to say: "Update limit >
current provider limit: Not Published"

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