I thought something funny was going on.



Hey everybody,

Thanks for the wonderful in-depth arguments...I realize I was right
about this but just didn't have the full confidence to support my
reasoning. Although, I did realize one thing which Bruce pointed
out....the framework doesn't use the ref keyword as a convention so
something didn't make sense. Plus the fact that most of the code I've
ever written never needed to use the ref keyword. Although I have used
it in special instances when I need the ability to reinstantiate an
object using the new keyword.

Now I just need to figure out a way to break the news sensitvely to my
fellow co-worker who also happens to be a veteran senior programmer

Thanks again guys and this my friends, is why I love this group.

Oliver Sturm

Hello Deckarep,
Thanks for the wonderful in-depth arguments...

Don't we all love them... maybe we could have one about what your message
could possibly refer to? :)

Oliver Sturm

Marc Gravell

Presumably ref [sic] topic: Passing Objects by ref keyword as a


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